My personal evaluation of popular javascript framework or library.

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

My personal evaluation of popular javascript framework or library.

I have evaluated the popular js frameworks, react, vue, angular, Gatsby, sveltse

The fact that Gatsby and svetse is built on react framework, still makes react cool,

Angular- the fact it kinda looks like spring boot and you must know typescript to use the framework, making the learning curve kinda tedious is a big win for react.

A vue a very good alternative for react, i like the way you can build SPA with pure html with the template tag and write your javascript with the script tag. Just like the old tradition way of building web pages, 🥱 but react jsx is still kinda cool to me, vue 3 also have poor support for typescript.

With just this few words of mine, i have given you guys good reasons to like react.

The only downside of react is seo, thats why guys like next, Gatsby is a thing.